INVISIBLE - Liu, Yu-Hsuan / Hsiao, Sheng-Wen

23° festival Inventa un Film 4//8 agosto 2021 Lenola

Wu, Ying-Tsung è nato invisibile. Vive normalmente come gli altri; fa esami, va al lavoro. Tuttavia, nella sua vita quotidiana accadranno diverse cose inaspettate.
Wu, Ying-Tsung was born invisible. He lives normal with others in such as having exams and go to work. However, several unexpected things will happen in his daily life.
Regia/Direction: Liu, Yu-Hsuan / Hsiao, Sheng-Wen
Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Liu, Yu-Hsuan
Animazione/Animation: Liu, Yu-Hsuan
Montaggio/Editing: Liu, Yu-Hsuan
Produzione/Production: Liu, Yu-Hsuan
Durata/Running Time: 5’38”

INVISIBLE, Liu, Yu-Hsuan , Hsiao, Sheng-Wen, Animation, Animation section, Lenolafilmfestival, Inventa un Film, Lenola film festival 2021