RUN FOR LIFE - Lin, Yi-Xiang / Wu, Bo-Yi

24° festival Inventa un Film 3//7 agosto 2022 Lenola

Il protagonista sta parlando di affari con il suo capo. Improvvisamente il telefono squilla: il suo bambino sta per nascere. Corre in ospedale e dare il benvenuto il bambino. Tuttavia, ci sono molte difficoltà sulla strada per l'ospedale...

The character was socializing for business with his boss. Suddenly, the phone rang, the character got the information that the baby was about to be born. Although the character was already wasted, he still wanted to rush to the hospital and welcome the baby. However, there are a lot of difficulties on the way to the hospital...


Regia/Direction: Lin, Yi-Xiang / Wu, Bo-Yi
Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Zhang, He-Shengk
Musica/Music: Chiang, Chun - Tieny
Montaggio/Editing: Wu, Bo-Yi
Produzione/Production: Chiu . Nai - I
Durata/Running Time: 3’30”

RUN FOR LIFE, Lin, Yi-Xiang,/ Wu, Bo-Yi, Animation, Animation section, Lenolafilmfestival, Inventa un Film, Lenola film festival 2022